Creating a garden in your house is very easy! We usually imagine needing lots of resources or a huge space to start growing our own food, but that is a misconception! Here we give you an article that can help you start sprouting.

- Dirt
- Gardening Pots
- Seeds or seedlings
- A small shovel or spoon
- A well-lit place
- Watering can or plastic bottle
1. Selecting a Space.
The best place has good access to light and water. You could use a terrace, a balcony or somewhere in your home close to a well-lit window.
This is an example of a space that we used in our garden, but you could find any place that works for you in your house as long as it follows the criteria.

2. First Seedbed
One of the first steps is deciding what you want to sprout. You can start with some aromatic plants like mint or a vegetable like swiss chard.
To make your seedbed you can use a planting tray, but if you don’t have one you can replace one with an egg carton, empty reusable cups or containers you no longer use.
Once you have the containers ready with dirt,you should poke a small hole of about half a centimeter deep and deposit your desired seeds. Then cover them with a tiny amount of dirt, water them with some drops of water or with a spray bottle, all the while being careful that the seeds are not left completely exposed.
Important: The first few days we recommend leaving the seedbed covered or in a dim space. This way, the roots develop stronger. After three days you can bring on the light! Remember to always maintain the seedbed wet, regardless of the light.
3. Transplanting the Sprouts
After a few days, the seeds will germinate little by little. Watch as they grow! When they reach the height of about 10 cm you can transplant them into a bigger container with the help of a small shovel or spoon that you no longer use. Be careful not to disturb the roots.

4. Care and Maintenance
Once you have transplanted your sprouts at your designated site, make sure that they have enough water and light. Remember not to water them too much. With just a few weeks of patience, your plants will grow healthy and strong.
How to Fight Pests?
If you see your plants being plagued pests like moths, you can blend five cloves of garlic in half a liter of water. Strain what is left of the garlic and the remaining water that is left can be put into a spray bottle to make a natural insecticide that doesn’t harm your garden!
